
Over the past 4 years, I prayed for Democrats to come up with even a halfway decent candidate. I figured Trump would've pissed people off enough to do some serious reflection and they would have come back stronger.

I thought Trump might've been the pebble in the shoe to MDDA (Make Democrats Decent Again). I naively hoped they might return to their pro-worker, anti-war, and anti-big business roots.

Often times the biggest tribulations one suffers in life can be the stimulus toward the greatest change. This crown of thorns can be a crown of jewels. [node:read-more:link]

Some believe a one world government is required in order to address climate change. They insist this is the "only way". But throughout history, many of our problems were solved by the creative genius of human beings. For it only takes one great idea to change the tide of history.

Therefore wouldn't it make sense to focus upon the creation of an environment where ingenuity can flourish? Can we harness human inventiveness through opportunity rather than stifle it through top-down regulation leading to greater inequality and an energy apartheid? [node:read-more:link]

The method where people are made to vote again and again until they give the desired response is not unlike an interrogation. The victim is worn down. It's called #doublespeakdemocracy and was pioneered by the EU.

With the UK system at the root of democratic governance worldwide, this would set a dangerous precedent not just for the UK but for the future of democracy itself. Not only would a #condescendingpeoplesvote destroy democracy, but it would fuel further polarisation and solve nothing. [node:read-more:link]

China's blind eye turned to copyright law means innovation is shared and built upon in an open source manner. This freedom has allowed Chinese technology companies to progress in leaps and bounds at an unprecedented speed. However, when it comes to communications China's is perhaps the most draconian and regulated internet space in the world. Their internet firewall locks their people into a digital information fortress. This creates an ideological homogeneity and is a creativity killer [node:read-more:link]

The early days of the internet proved people were willing to share knowledge and creative works freely. This provided a glimpse of an open source world where expansive capitalism could be tempered. For the first time in history, the utopian dream of a world free of imposed labor and based on willing co-operation seemed within our grasp. [node:read-more:link]

The early days of the internet proved people were willing to share knowledge and creative works freely. This provided a glimpse of an open source world where expansive capitalism could be tempered. For the first time in history, the utopian dream of a world free of imposed labor and based on willing co-operation seemed within our grasp. [node:read-more:link]

"TOO BIG TO FAIL" has created the crisis of our times. Monolithic top-down super-states leave us vulnerable to a single point of failure. Such systems are dinosaurs. The future is networked governance.

Conflict has always been with us. But when humans band together into large groups these conflicts become war. Hence conflict is best resolved at the level of the individual.

I suspect our hive mind knows this. We see the disintegration of the EU and US. At the same time, the internet is providing closer communication and co-operation world-wide. [node:read-more:link]

Some insist the result of the Brexit referendum was a fluke. I agree it was. Because normally, the richest .000001% get their way. Usually, the overwhelming firepower of their propaganda network is able to hoodwink the public into unbelievable things like illegal wars and mass atrocities.

In 2016 we watched the media industrial complex slam down upon the British People. They deployed the IMF, World Bank, Bank of England, Obama and the whole of the entertainment industrial complex to frighten us. [node:read-more:link]

Some say we Brexiteers don't know what kind of Brexit we want; But do Remainers know what kind of Remain they want? Or do they believe they can simply reverse the #realpeoplesvote and everything will go back to the way it was?

A failed Brexit would tip the balance of power and leave us permanently locked in. We'd likely lose our rebate and be forced to join the Euro. If you think the EU is uncompromising now, just wait... [node:read-more:link]

Some believe we can remain, negotiate and "reform" the EU. But we see how far Greece, Cameron and Theresa May got with that laughable notion. The EU don't negotiate - they dictate. Far from becoming more democratic, history reveals their trajectory is toward further entrenched consolidation.

Still, I suppose there are some, who feel a sense of stability, within a controlling relationship. Hence there are calls for a 2nd referendum.

But why stay with a partner who will hide your purse, cut up your credit cards, and brainwash your kids, to stop you leaving? [node:read-more:link]

The media is aflame with hysteria over the idea of a "crash" out of the EU. If the narrative is to be believed, UK businesses will suffer catastrophically under WTO rules. But how real is the hype?

Astute business owners adapt to changing economic cycles. That's just what they do. Whether it be inflation, deflation, currency fluctuations, floods, hurricanes, and even wars, the canniest of entrepreneurs are able to adjust. Indeed most economies tend to be dynamic and rarely stagnant. [node:read-more:link]

To those that want a 2nd referendum, you may love the EU today, but how will you feel in ten years time? What happens when you're conscripted into Macron's army? Or when there is an internet firewall to "protect you" from the world outside Fortress Europe?

Once back in, you will see the true face of the EU, but by then it will be too late. For today's infatuation is often tomorrow's disillusionment. With nothing more than a token democratic structure in place, and a history of quiet power accumulation, how will you feel when the honeymoon is over? [node:read-more:link]

Mainstream news is comparable to press releases coming from head office. Conspiracy theories are like gossip on the shop floor.

The "facts" provided by mainstream news can be rearranged to create a false impression. By highlighting some facts and omitting others, the narrative can be manipulated. Though the isolated facts are correct, the overall picture can be deliberately skewed. This is called propaganda and is used to forward the agenda of those with the power to influence the media outlets. [node:read-more:link]

Our system of politics is tribalistic. It demands we choose a side and thereafter display loyalty to our cohorts. But upon joining a group our capacity to think objectively becomes compromised and we become biased. We begin to sacrifice our own opinions for the sake of the group. Energy becomes focused upon "winning" and the intellect is dulled.

Having a wide spectrum of opinions, beliefs and world views is good for a society. However when this diversity can only be expressed within the confines of a group it has both a homogenising and polarising effect. [node:read-more:link]

Our system of politics is tribalistic. It demands we choose a side and thereafter display loyalty to our cohorts. But upon joining a group our capacity to think objectively becomes compromised and we become biased. We begin to sacrifice our own opinions for the sake of the group. Energy becomes focused upon "winning" and the intellect is dulled.

Having a wide spectrum of opinions, beliefs and world views is good for a society. However when this diversity can only be expressed within the confines of a group it has both a homogenising and polarising effect. [node:read-more:link]

PREDICTION: With a reputation never to let a good disaster go to waste, the self-appointed world body known as the IMF will use the Coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to offer their SDR as a possible new global currency. [node:read-more:link]

In the early days, Ebay was a platform sustained by trust. There was no need for Paypal, refunds or 3rd party intervention. This worked surprisingly well as membership was small. They were able to operate with few rules. This is because human beings are surprisingly honest within smaller communities. [node:read-more:link]

Dear CEO of the Conway Hall Ethical Society,

My name is Meg Lee Chin. I am a member of the Conway Hall Ethical Society and a lifelong devoted champion of free thought and speech. I have spent much of my life in support of progressive causes, especially with regard to the rights of women and minorities. Before joining, I had researched Conway Hall's history and reputation as a safe space for radical thought and free speech. I noted the following declaration from your website; [node:read-more:link]

Growing up in the US, Americans like me felt powerless every time our government trotted off to kill innocents in faraway lands. After all, I was just one voter in an overwhelming sea of voters.

For whenever power concentrates, ever-fewer hands make blanket decisions for ever-larger groups of people. This diminishes the sense of responsibility for each individual. It's a situation which left me feeling trapped. I watched helplessly as power was transferred from the states to the federal government over my lifetime. [node:read-more:link]

Step to the right folks, to celebrate unfettered, unrestrained, neo-liberal corporate capitalism - the brilliant philosophy which taught us that more is always better and self-indulgence is a spiritual pursuit. The humongous duck lips of the Kardashians are the perfect aspiration for those of us climbing the ladder. To those haters that try and knock us down, just remember those immortal words of our Hollywood heroes "You're worth it". [node:read-more:link]

These are perhaps four of the most dangerous words of our modern times.


It's a fault which resides within the trajectory of the European Union which was largely plotted under the watchful eye of US intelligence to isolate the decision-making executive powers fully from the prying eyes of democracy. [node:read-more:link]

These are perhaps four of the most dangerous words of our modern times.


It's a fault which resides within the trajectory of the European Union which was largely plotted under the watchful eye of US intelligence to isolate the decision-making executive powers fully from the prying eyes of democracy. [node:read-more:link]

Anyone who has wandered past Parliament Square toward Millbank can see the giant media fair cordoned off to members of the worldwide remain press. With their slick graphics, state of the art equipment and satiny EU flags, one could gag on the whiff of big money behind these unabashed machinations. This living testament to the might of the media industrial complex should bring fear to the heart of every British citizen. For it is here in front of our own eyes we can see what we are truly up against. [node:read-more:link]

Having been a victim of racism, I have long identified with the liberal left. They seemed the nicest, most tolerant group. But lately they are looking more like the party of intolerance - no different from those who bullied me as a child. This has puzzled and upset me.

And now, I think I may have discovered the reason;

Karl Popper is a 20th century philosopher. He penned what he called the "Paradox of Tolerance" which is a call to practise intolerance of the intolerant. [node:read-more:link]

As the new darling of all upright and pious Remainers, Carole Cadwalladr rose to fame for her Ted Talk replete with misty-eyed exhortations against the alleged sins of the Brexit campaign. Striding the stage like a paperback guru, marshaling the forces of positivity and light, Carole seems convinced she is on a crusade against the forces of evil. [node:read-more:link]

Some look toward one world governance as the only way to tackle global problems. But I reckon it's the opposite. Salvation lies with the ingenuity and creativity of the sovereign individual. For it only takes one person with one great idea to change the tide of history. [node:read-more:link]

GREAT NEWS! The humanity lovin' EXTINCTION REBELLION has solved the problems of a NO DEAL BREXIT.

Their strict demand for ZERO carbon emissions by 2025 requires a 100% local economy. This means no trade AT ALL with ANY other countries. It also means;

No need for EU visas - as there'll be no more travel AT ALL.
No worries about lorries at Dover.
No worries about the Irish backstop. [node:read-more:link]

GLOBALIZATION is another word for MONOPOLY on a world-wide scale. It's a corporate free for all. Behind closed doors, armies of lawyers draft mountains of bureaucracy, friendly to the corporates, but devastating for small business. Little fish can't compete. Soon every High Street begins to look the same as multinationals squeeze out local shops. [node:read-more:link]

The March to Overturn the Democratic Vote looked like armoured globalist super-tanks camouflaged with flowers and peace signs.
By contrast, the March to Leave looked like indigenous people hurling sticks and rocks back.
Will superficiality kill democracy? [node:read-more:link]

"TOO BIG TO FAIL" - These words signify perhaps the greatest danger we face in our time. For centralization of power, is often the road to tyranny.

Some mistakenly believe the EU to be a benevolent institution. They see the EU as a progressive force for greater equality. But although the EU may appear benevolent today, there are few safeguards to prevent future tyranny. [node:read-more:link]

I grew up in a federalized super-state known as the "United States of America". During my lifetime, I watched power trickle away from individual states toward the federal government.

This fueled polarization and unrest, as a diverse population struggled to live under "one-size-fits-all" laws imposed by a handful of politicians in Washington. The American experiment has shown that like fresh produce, laws are best when locally sourced. Rules should be made by those who have to obey them. [node:read-more:link]

Whatever your political beliefs, the idea that one man's vision can dominate the world landscape through the overwhelming power of his ill-gotten financial gains should leave you uneasy...

George Soros has transferred 18 billion (the bulk of his fortune) to his Open Society Charity in an all-out assault against Brexit, Trump and any political views he disagrees with. This is to ensure his globalist vision endures long past his death. [node:read-more:link]

Just like fresh produce, laws are best when locally sourced. Allowing the rules to be decided by those they impact makes for a fairer society.

Globalization is a top-down movement by the 0.001%. The aim is to consolidate decision-making into fewer hands - their own.

But a monolithic governance imposes one-size-fits-all rules. This creates a lowest common denominator situation where nobody is happy. Instead of tolerant diversity, we get polarized strife - the opposite of what they tell us. [node:read-more:link]

The biggest danger facing us today is not guns, bullets, bombs, global warming or even a group of lizards calling the shots. The biggest danger is the inability of our citizens to engage in civilised debate with those whom they disagree with. [node:read-more:link]

Around 600 CE the prophet Muhammad spawned a great civilization through his teachings. At one time Muslim libraries contained more books and literature than in the entire Greek world. They studied spherical trigonometry, agriculture, physics, medicine and science, using astrolabes to measure the altitude of stars. They built sophisticated astronomical observatories. They set up psychiatric hospitals and even had universal health care. Early Muslims had literacy rates that would put the modern day Muslim World to shame. [node:read-more:link]

I remember being taught at school that the Russians were brainwashed by their government. It was the 1960's and we were in the midst of the Cold War. Miss Macgregor said Russian people were fed false information by their government who controlled every aspect of their lives. I didn't know what "brainwash" meant but visions of zombies filled me with horror as I imagined scenes from a dystopian sci-fi novel.

But in 1990 my band Crunch became one of the first western bands to perform behind the former iron curtain. So I finally got a chance to actually go there and see for myself. [node:read-more:link]

Some believe globalization to be a humanitarian movement of peace, love and unity. These good people imagine that globalization will create a world with no borders. They hope it will end world hunger and poverty. They assume that globalization is a movement by the people to bring power to the people. [node:read-more:link]

Does anybody else find the "Gove stabs Boris who steps down" story to be far fetched?

Gove's version goes like this: He wanted to start work immediately after the Brexit results. But Boris wanted to toodle off to celebrate down the pub. This lead Gove to conclude that Boris was not up for the job. So Gove decided there and then to withdraw his support and put himself forward instead

But Gove had known Johnson for about 30 years. He must know what Boris is like. They had just finished working side by side in a successful campaign. [node:read-more:link]

Many "young people" are angry with "old people" for voting leave. They believe older people have been selfish with the future. (Which apparently belongs only to them)

But when questioned, many of these older leave voters have explained they are willing to tighten their belts over their few remaining years for the sake of the future for their children. [node:read-more:link]

Those in the EU Remain Camp are preaching love, untity, compassion, tolerance and humanity as if they have a monopoly on these things. Meanwhile they dismiss the legitimate gripes of working people.

Throughout this campaign the working people of this country have had to endure being patronised by experts, academics, intellectuals, multi-national corporations, bankers, politicians and celebrities. They are told if they are unhappy with uncontrolled immigration they are "racist".

The entire Remain campaign has rested upon two logical fallacies; [node:read-more:link]

When the Pro Stay campaign speak of solidarity, it suggests the EU was a grassroots union of European Countries created for and by the people.

But this could not be further from the truth. The EU was created by aristocrats, bankers and the US CIA.

In 1923 the idea for the EU was proposed by the Count Coudenhove-Kalergi. In his book "Pan-Europa" he proposed the destruction of nation states to be replaced by a "United States of Europe". This was to be governed by his own aristocratic class. [node:read-more:link]

Some believe by voting to remain in the EU they will be voting;
Against the Tories - But although we can always vote the Tories out, a vote to stay in the EU is permanent. The EC is a non-transparent, un-accountable body serving the interests of multi-national corporations. Far from being a vote against the Tories - It is a vote against democracy. VOTE LEAVE and Cameron will be finished. [node:read-more:link]

Is internet gossip more reliable than mainstream news?

Mainstream journalists often express despair that people "believe everything they read on the internet". The standard wisdom is that news must be sourced reliably. As such, good journalists faithfullly adhere to a code of standards.

But Ronald Reagan's deregulation of the media in the 80's has reduced the evening news to mere entertainment and worse, a tool of propaganda for a few corporations. Likewise the UK media is becoming more and more subject to corporate interests. [node:read-more:link]